地名:平罗县 | 隶属:石嘴山市 |
行政代码:640221 | 身份证前6位:640221 |
长途区号:0952 | 邮政编码:753000 |
车牌号码:宁B | 行政级别:县 |
人口数量:约31.6万人 | 人口密度:153人/km2 |
辖区面积:2060平方公里 |





Pingluo county is situated in the north of Ningxia plain. It covers the area of 2,060 km2, with a population of 316,000, of which 98,000 are Hui people. Pingluo is located at the leading economic zone as the national Silk Road belt, the Hohhot-Baotou-Yinchuan golden triangle of energy, and the Ningxia urban belt along the Yellow River. It enjoys an advantageous geographical location, which is 60 km from the Hedong Airport of Yinchuan, and 30 km from the Ningxia Huinong land port. There are varieties of preponderant distinctive industries as multi-components alloy, calcium carbide chemical engineering, fine chemical engineering, coal chemical engineering, new energy, equipment manufacturing, bio-pharmaceutical, high-quality rice, production of seeds, forage and livestock, fruits and vegetables, and ecological aquatic products. Pingluo has attracted some of the national top 500 enterprises and the industry leading enterprises successively, such as Sinosteel, China Oil & Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO), Huiyuan Group, Lizhu etc. It ranks the 60th of the top 100 counties of western China in the 11th evaluation of county economic basic competitiveness and scientific development. And it ranks the 87th of the top 100 counties of the small and medium-sized cities with the highest investment potentials in the year of 2012 in China.
The urban part of Pingluo covers an area of 20 square kilometers: the urbanization rate has reached 52%. Iconic buildings such as the Culture Exhibition Center, Fitness Center, the People's Hall, the Financial Building etc. have been put into use in succession. The Kangxi Drinking Horse Lake, Weizhen Lake, Hanyuan Lake, Bright Moon Lake, and Hanquan Sea add radiance and beauty to each other and form the ecological landscape of city in lakes and lakes in city. The infrastructures as ecological botanical garden, square, landscape drainage, heat supply, gas supply, garbage and sewage disposal have been completed and the city functions have been upgraded continuously. A comfortable, convenient, livable and ecological pastoral modern city is proudly standing there, becoming a shinning pearl of Ningxia along the Yellow River zone. "Purchase houses along the golden bank in livable Pingluo The brand is famous inside and outside Ningxia, which makes it a beautiful card of cooperation opening to the outside world.